The cannabis plant which is also referred to as marijuana is a plant that has many effects on anyone who consumes it in any of its forms. It can have both negative and also many positive effects when taken. And that’s the most reason why medical practitioners in some cases administer to their patients but in a more refined way that will not cause harm to their health and possibly help heal their ailments.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In most countries the use and cultivation of this plant are illegal and those who are found wanting face some level of penalties.

Our most concern in this article is to bring to the knowledge the effects of marijuana on health. And this article is based on popular publications whose source would be cited at the end of this article.

So here are some things you might want to know about marijuana

1. Uses: There are different ways that cannabis is being used and the user can determine its effects.

2. Cure of chronic pain in adults: Marijuana is often taken as a pain killer because it dampens chronic pain in adults.

3. Smoking or inhaling: Smoking of hemp is very common unlike inhaling and a sense of elation can start within minutes and peak after 10–30 minutes. When cannabis is inhaled, the feeling will typically wear off after about 2 hours.

4. Ingesting: Also, studies have shown that if a person consumes products containing cannabis by mouth, they will usually feel the effects within 1 hour, and the sensations will peak after 2.5–3.5 hours.

5. Increase appetite: One of the effects of marijuana is that it increases one’s appetite for food. When it is taken, it makes you feel very hungry than usual.

6. Relaxation: This happens to be one of the common reasons why people take marijuana. It relaxes the nerves but it’s only for some time.

7. Talkative: Studies have shown that people after taking marijuana tend to talk a lot and even more than they would do when they are not on this drug.

CAUTION: Do not take any drug without the consent and prescription of a medical practitioner because the same drug you use in managing simple issues can expose your health to severe ailments….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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