What you do need to know is that there are a few risks linked with having intercourse.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

But there are several steps you can take to curb those risks so that you remain protected and sexually healthy.

Some of the things you should do after intercourse include.

1. Empty Your Bladder

During intimacy, bacteria can enter your urethra (the tube that carries urine out of your body). This may increase your risk of being infected. When you pass out urine, you eliminate those germs. Go to the bathroom after intercourse to pee. If you’re a lady, when you wipe, do it from front to back to prevent bacteria from spreading.

2. Clean Your Sex Toys

After you’re done having intercourse, bacteria, viruses, and fungi can hang around. That means your toys can lead to the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and other infections. Clean each toy after using them, check the packaging for cleaning and follow the instructions given.

3. Take Care of Any Yeast Infections

Yeast infection can be transmitted during intercourse. So if you begin to experience the symptoms of yeast infection such as itching, burning, or a thick, white discharge from the female or male organ, treat it as soon as possible.

4. Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands after intimacy can help you get rid of bacteria you might pick up from touching your partner’s genitals. Washing your hands is vital to prevent infections from spreading. Wash with soap and water, and ensure it is part of your post-intimacy clean-up routine.

5. Consume a Glass of Water

Drinking water after having intimacy makes you stay hydrated, you will pass out urine more, which shows that more bacteria will wash out of your body before infections can flare-up…CONTINUE READING>>

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