1. It Supports Liver Health.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
Antioxidants found in garden egg are beneficial for liver health, the liver are sometimes laden with fat and this reduces its function, including garden will help and support the liver with its unique antixodants.
2. It Prevents The Spread Of Cancer Cells.
The polyphenols in eggplant may help protect the body from cancer. Anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. In the long term, this may help prevent tumor growth and the spread of cancer cells.
Anthocyanins may help achieve this by preventing new blood vessels from forming in the tumor, reducing inflammation, and blocking the enzymes that help cancer cells spread.
3. It Can Help You Lose Weight.
Thanks to a high content of fibre in the plant, the nutritional value of a garden egg is so great that one can easily eat it when trying to lose weight. You cannot get fat when consuming this plant which makes garden egg perfect for weight loss purposes.
4. It Promotes Healthy Bone
They contain a good amount of potent minerals such as folate, manganese, vitamin K, magnesium, vitamin C, and copper that help bone strengthening and general bone health. Consuming eggplant is highly beneficial in preventing the risk of bone degradation and osteoporosis.
Garden egg also contains some amount of iron and calcium aids in reducing the chance of osteoporosis, thereby keeping your bones strong and healthy…CONTINUE READING>>