Fried, scrambled, poached, and boiled, eggs are an incredibly versatile food that are packed with vitamins, minerals, protein, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids......READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Although the yolk and whites are usually the reason we crack open an egg, the eggshell itself is truly a marvel of Mother Nature.

Composed of 95% of calcium carbonate crystals, the eggshell is covered with as many as 17,000 tiny pores that allow air and moisture to enter the inner egg. The outermost layer of the shell has built in protection, called the bloom or cuticle, which prevents dust and bacteria from getting inside. Between the shell and the egg proper is a transparent membrane, made up of proteins that also aid in defense against foreign contaminants.

The next time you eat eggs, you might want to hang on to the shell. Here’s why.


Calcium is necessary for maintaining healthy bones throughout our lives. This is especially true for children in order to reach their full adult height and adults over 50 who are more at risk of developing osteoporosis.

The recommended daily amount of calcium for men and women aged 19 to 50 years old is between 1,000 mg and 2,500 mg. After the age of 50, women should be getting 1,200 mg to 2,000 mg each day.

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Our bodies do not produce calcium and so we must consume calcium rich foods like dairy products and dark leafy greens. For the body to absorb calcium, we also need to ensure we are receiving enough vitamin D.

Because eggshells are almost entirely calcium carbonate, half of one eggshell provides 1,000 mg of calcium – enough to meet the daily requirements for adults.

Compared with calcium supplements that are derived from seashells and limestone, eggshells have been shown to be superior to these sources, enhancing calcium absorption by 64%. The added calcium transport in eggshells are due to matrix proteins found within the shell.


Bones are living tissue that, throughout our lives, are continuously being broken down and replaced. When older bones are removed at a faster pace than they are replaced, bones become very brittle and weak. Over time this can lead to osteoporosis, a disease characterized by low bone mass and the deterioration of bone tissue. It is dubbed the ‘silent thief’ since osteoporosis develops without signs or symptoms, and often isn’t diagnosed until after a break or fracture.


A dental cavity begins when oral plaque becomes acidic. When we consume sugary foods and drinks, the bacterial plaque in our mouths converts the sugars into acids which dissolve (or demineralize) the tooth enamel.

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When the tooth is demineralized, it releases calcium and phosphate into mouth saliva. The calcium and phosphate minerals in saliva will help neutralize the acids to remineralize your teeth. It’s a natural process to prevent tooth decay. But when too much sugar is consumed too often, the remineralization action is stunted which may allow bacteria to enter the tooth and cause a cavity.

Because eggshell powder is so rich in calcium, it can be used to help along in the remineralization process. In a study published in 2015, sample teeth were first demineralized and then immersed in an eggshell powder solution for seven days. Compared to the untreated tooth samples, eggshells enhanced remineralization and raised pH levels to neutralize tooth enamel eating acids.


The eggshell membrane is the thin yet strong transparent layer that lies between the shell and the egg white. Composed of keratin, collagen, glucosamine, and several other compounds, it has been shown to offer relief from painful joint and connective tissue disorders like arthritis.

A scientific research evaluated the effects of taking 500 mg of eggshell membrane on people who suffer from painful joints, reduced flexibility, and decreased cartilage. After seven days of treatment, joint pain was significantly reduced while flexibility and range of motion had vastly improved. Nearly half of the participants were entirely pain-free after 30 days of treatment.

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While you can purchase eggshell collagen capsules, collecting eggshells from the eggs you eat is really easy, reduces waste, and is practically free.

To start, rinse out cracked eggshells and set them out to dry completely. For quicker drying, you can bake them in the oven for about 10 minutes at 150°F. Once dry and brittle, grind them up with a mortar and pestle, in the blender, or a coffee grinder. The consistency should be powdery; you can remove larger fragments by sifting. Store your eggshell powder in a container with a good sealing lid.


To supplement your diet with eggshells, just add a ½ teaspoon of powder to food or drink to receive around 500 mg of calcium carbonate. Be sure to take calcium along with sources of vitamin D (sunlight, milk, egg yolks, cod liver oil, tuna, etc.) to boost absorption.

Because eggshells are basically flavorless, you can add them to your favorite foods without altering the taste. Eggshells will, however, affect the texture of foods. Eggshell powder can also be added to bone broth, smoothies, fruit juices, and coffee.

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