Malaria is a disease often accompanied by fever, and transmitted by the female anopheles mosquito, it is caused by a parasitic protozoan called Plasmodium. It has weakening symptoms like headache, fever, vomiting, and nausea.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This disease takes a toll on humans because it is deadly, and it has killed millions of people in past years, well, with so much advancement in medicine there has been a considerable change for the better concerning deaths caused by malaria.

Malaria drugs are highly recommended if you fall sick with malaria, but your diet during the period of your illness is equally important if you’re to fully recover in good time, from a practical point of view, malarial drugs, coupled with the high metabolic rate that comes with fever use up much of our body’s energy and leave us hungry afterward, so, we need to steadily replenish our energy even if the disease causes loss of appetite in some people.

Diet is an integral part of the recovery from any sickness, therefore we should be adequately fortified in that aspect while treating any disease.

For malaria, healthy eating even if it’s in small quantities is encouraged, but whatever you’re eating should not be one that affects the kidney, liver, and digestive system, it should rather boost the immune system of the patient in question, three foods that fit the description above are mentioned below.

1. Foods that are rich in protein.

Foods like milk, egg, chicken soup, and more show their importance here, they are protein foods and they help to build body tissues, they are needed by those treating malaria because they often experience tissue loss which protein makes up for.

2. Foods and drinks that give instant energy.

I earlier mentioned that loss of appetite accompanies malaria in some people, this poses a big challenge because fever causes increased metabolic rate, making us need calories, without optimal appetite we won’t be able to eat properly to get the calories we need, so we should turn to foods and drinks that give instant energy, some of these drinks include coconut water, sugarcane juice, and fruit juice.

3. Dairy fats that aid digestion, for example, butter and cream should be consumed moderately…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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