Infighting continues to eat up the Kenyan Gen Z revolution movement as bigwigs trade barbs over the ides driving their activism against the government.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The latest to take on each other are activists Morara Kebaso and Mercy Tarus.

Tarus accuses Morara of personalising her ideas to run his cause.

The two are known to have identified themselves with different genres that are relevant to the revolution.

While Morara traverses the country to spotlight projects that stalled long after President Willian Ruto launched them, Tarus embarked on advancing civic education to Kenyans.

Taurus dubbed her cause the Kenya Ni Home Initiative, which she intends to use as she crisscrosses the country, educating the Kenyan electorate.

The duo clashed when Morara seemed to be using the “Kenya Ni Home” tagline in his social media writings and pronouncements.

Taking issue, Tarus implied Morara is dishonest and is out to grab other people’s inventions and present them as his.

“This is your tactic. You ask people what they’re doing, then once you understand their plans and dates, you run quickly and do it,” Tarus accused Kebaso….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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