Lawyer and Safina party’s Deputy Leader Willis Otieno has said that President William Ruto’s political prowess is being put to the test as he tries to balance between the Gen Zs demands and his political survival strategy.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

During a panel interview on Daybreak, the lawyer opined that President Ruto’s strategy to create legitimacy with the Gen Zs using Azimio’s Raila Odinga will not work.

On July 10, 2024, Raila and Ruto called for a dialogue approach to determine the country’s new way forward. Gen Zs dismissed the dialogue approach, arguing that the president did not need dialogue to implement critical demands such as arresting rogue police officers who killed peaceful protestors.

Lawyer Otieno opined that the strategy would not work as the youth currently don’t trust any political entity and reaffirmed that Raila does not speak on their behalf. He argued that the only way to restore public trust would be through the ballot where people elect those they want in office.

“Kenyans have recalled their sovereignty, What will president Ruto is trying to do is to recreate legitimacy, but unfortunately he cannot speak on their behalf about the Gen Z protests. The first time Raila came out to say we have a dialogue, the people said keep off, this is our protests,” the lawyer said.

“You will not get legitimacy from Raila.. We have to find a way in which the people can donate back the reclaimed sovereignty to an elected group. It will not be through boardroom deals, but has to be through the ballot and Ruto can contest the elections if he so desires.”

For many decades, Raila has been touted as the ‘political saviour’ for saving the presidencies of past regimes during the most difficult times, essentially making him an enigma in politics.

The Gen Z protests have, however, turned the political landscape upside down with the youth clearly stating that they are leaderless. They have steered away from the political narratives as they are fueled by the desire for accountability and good governance.

This has left the opposition in limbo over the calls for dialogue as they have not agreed on a common path. Fellow Azimio leaders have told Raila to ditch the dialogue approach, arguing that President Ruto should carry his cross as he faces the hostility over his regime from the Gen Zs.

“Dialogue with Ruto is definitely a poisoned chalice, we know where Kenyans want him to go and that is home. Talking to Ruto is to ensure his survival until 2027 and it is only him who will gain,” Siaya Governor James Orengo said in Kakamega on July 13, 2024…CONTINUE READING>>

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