President William Samoei Ruto recalled unforgettable memories of Eldoret town as it upgraded to a city The politician noted he studied at Wareng High School and joined the educational institution with his first pair of shoes While his father bought him his first pair of shoes, Ruto bought himself his first pair of jeans with his first wage....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

There is always a first time for everything and everyone, including President William Samoei Ruto.

The head of state shared two fond memories as he delivered a moving speech in Kenya’s newest city,

He disclosed that the two memories in Eldoret City, Uasin Gishu county, were dear to him as they were his firsts.

“At a very personal level, I am a proud person today in this city I grew up in, and I have two occasions that are firmly engraved in my mind.

The first was when I came here in January 1981 to Wareng High School, and my father, Daniel Kipruto Samoei, bought me a pair of shoes in the streets of Eldoret.

It was my first pair of shoes, and it was very memorable. That town today is a city,” he said as he paused and the guests clapped.

He also opened up about his employment journey after he had completed his secondary education.

Ruto was lucky to land an employment opportunity straight from high school, saying he worked as a clerk.

“I am also reminded again of another occasion in October 1984, when I was working for the first time as a clerk after Form 4 in Kapkong Farm for the late Paul Kiplimo Boit. He paid me KSh 300, which was my first wage.

I came to Eldoret town and bought myself a pair of jeans with KSh 137 from my hard-earned wage. It is a moment I remember, as it was my first time to walk into a shop and buy a brand-new pair of jeans.

That is the town that today has graduated after immense hard work, commitment, and drive by farmers, business people, sportsmen, and sportswomen who have significantly contributed to the growth and development of this city,” he said.

Separately, Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Bii Chelilim led farmers to celebrate Eldoret town becoming a city.

The farmers showed up in town with giant tractors, as the City of Champions was also known for its farming activities.

President Ruto was expected to preside over the ceremony that changed the town’s status into a city…CONTINUE READING>>

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