Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka stated that former President Uhuru Kenyatta is the driving force behind the Azimio coalition as it gears up for the 2027 general elections.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

On the same day, August 4, Kalonzo urged residents of Kiambu County to prepare and participate in the next initiative the coalition will be launching. Speaking from a church service, he said, “Well, from now on, you should be a part of the next movement we are going to launch.”

”Do not be deceived, Uhuru Kenyatta is our brother,” Kalonzo said.

Other Azimio chiefs like former defence CS Eugene Wamalwa and former Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni also stated; Kalonzo is now leading us till 2027.

“The one we have been left now and who we’ll walk with because there has to be an alternative is Kalonzo Musyoka,” she said.

The National Action Council, Martha Karua PNU has also made it sound as if it might pull out of the partnership party following Kenya’s move.

The former vice-president has been asking this enormous Mt. Kenya area to support him of late.

But on Sunday, Kalonzo was vocal on the reports of the deputy president impeachment that has been circulating.

The leader of the Wipers insisted with the vice president and said that if the vice president was to be fired, then the president themselves also ought to be fired.

“If there is a plan to eliminate Gachagua, Azimio responded that he will not be eliminated alone. Both of them, Gachagua and Ruto, should be fired,” Kalonzo said...CONTINUE READING>>

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