Intercourse during pregnancy is the act of having private part , oral, or anal coupling while a partner is pregnant. Both pregnant people and their partners often have questions about coitus during pregnancy. Should you have lovemaking while you’re pregnant? Is it safe? Can the baby feel it? Are there times when you shouldn’t do it? Will erotic desire change during pregnancy?....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to “Healthline”, Your developing baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in your uterus, as well as by the strong muscles of the uterus itself. Erotic activity won’t affect your baby, as long as you don’t have complications such as preterm labor or placenta problems. However, here is why coupling is good for pregnant women.

Copulation can help make delivery and recovery easier

Having an orgasm causes your pelvic muscles to contract, which can strengthen them. This helps to ease labor pains, improves bladder control, and potentially leads to a quicker recovery after giving birth.

Erotic activity won’t affect your baby, as long as you don’t have complications such as preterm labor or placenta problems. However, pregnancy can cause changes in your level of comfort and erotic desire…CONTINUE READING>>

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