The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 created a significant shockwave across the world, particularly in Europe. What if Putin is trying to revive the old Soviet Union? What if the Russians march toward Western Europe after Ukraine? What if Ukraine was only the beginning, and Russia’s appetite will swallow more land and countries, starting with the small Baltic nations, and then Poland, Germany, and even France?....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The hysteria created after the Russian invasion of Ukraine was justified in the beginning. It is also wise to know the intentions of your enemies and study what they really want. But does Russia want to occupy Europe? I don’t think so. I will explain in detail why Russia cannot expand beyond the Dnipro River in Ukraine.

For two years now, the Russian army has faced significant resistance from Ukrainian fighters. What Putin thought would be a small special military operation has turned into a high-intensity war between the second-largest army in the world and the Ukrainian army.

The fact that the Ukrainian army was able to penetrate deep into Russia, occupy a city, and transfer the war into Russian territory shows us that the war is far from ending.

Unfortunately, Ukraine will lose the war with Russia for a simple reason: Ukraine does not have enough soldiers to fight. At some point or another, Ukraine will…CONTINUE READING>> 

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