P resident William Rut o emphasised Thursday the importance of uni ting the nation in the wake of the recent protests that rocked the country.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

R uto who was speaking in Tharaka Nithi said because of the numerous challenges bedeviling the country, there was no point for him to continue sidelining others.

He said there was a need for all leaders irrespective of their political affiliations to come together to help in tackling it.

“Kwa sababu ya changamoto tulizonazo katika taifa la Kenya, mimi nimeamua ya kwamba hakuna haja ya kubagua wengine(Because of the problems that we have in our country I have decided that there is no need to continue sidelining other people) ,” he said.

“Nimesema tutengeneze serikali ya kuunganisha wakenya wote , tulipe ile madeni ya Kenya pamoja, tutafute ushuru pamoja, tufanye maendeleo pamoja…,” he added.

Ruto was in the county to launch various development projects.

He was accompanied by his deputy Rigathi Gachagua, Interior cabinet secretary nominee Kindiki Kithure, Governor Muthomi Njuki and Senator George Murugara among several others.

Ruto Thursday nominated four opposition members for appointment to the cabinet.

They are Hassan Joho (Mining and Blue economy), John Mbadi (Treasury), Wycliffe Oparanya (Cooperatives) and Opiyo Wandayi (Energy).

While naming the first half of his cabinet nominees, the Head of state said a wider range of ideas, programmes and interventions is needed to facilitate job creation, robust debt management, enhanced transparency and accountability in the use of public resources, mobilise more domestic resources and optimise public expenditure.

Referring to what has been happening in the country in the past one month, the President pointed out that Kenya’s credentials as a democratic nation have been severely tested.

“During this time, the country has engaged in a difficult public conversation, providing an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between fundamental rights and democratic freedoms, our collective aspirations for prosperity and efforts to secure opportunities for all, and the imperative to advance the security of the State,” said Ruto…CONTINUE READING>>

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