Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna has revealed the reason he dropped his bid to become ODM deputy party leader. According to Sifuna, once he made his intention known, he was persuaded not to leave the Secretary-General position.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He said that it was explained to him that his current position is the heart of the ODM party and he could not leave it to seek another. Sifuna noted that to him, becoming the Orange party’s deputy party leader would be a promotion from his current role.

“I had aspired to move from my position as SG of the party (ODM) and move up to the deputy party leader’s position which in my view was a promotion but I was given this story about ‘heart’ that there are certain positions that are at the heart of the party that you cannot vacate to seek others and so on and so forth,” Sifuna said.

The Nairobi Senator, however, did not say who it was that persuaded him. After the appointment of former Deputy Party leaders Hassan Joho and Wycliffe Oparanya to the Cabinet by President William Ruto, the seats fell vacant.

Sifuna was initially tipped to become deputy party leader alongside Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir. He was to be replaced by Vihiga Governor Godfrey Osotsi as Secretary General.

However, when the final list was made public, the deputy party leader positions had been expanded to three, with Governors Simba Arati (Kisii) and Nassir (Mombasa) occupying two slots.

Osotsi was named the third Deputy Party leader, as Sifuna retained his role as Secretary General. Such decisions can only be made by the party’sCentral Management Committee. The meeting is usually chaired by party leader Raila Odinga….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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