If you are reading these lines, it is probably because you have felt nauseous or sick to your stomach when you have had sex with someone and you do not understand why this is happening to you.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
Although it may seem like an uncommon problem, many people experience adverse symptoms such as dizziness, distress, and even the sensation of fainting during or after sex. However, it is also important to note that the causes of these discomforts may or may not be related to intercourse.
If you are wondering “why do I feel like vomiting when I have sex?” and you want to know the causes, then keep reading this article where I will explain the different reasons why you have these unpleasant symptoms.
Innervation of the sexual organs
Innervation is defined as an action triggered by our nervous system on the functions of our body’s organs. In this case, this activity influences the nerve endings of the sexual organs, such as the vagina, clitoris, and the penis, which can be overstimulated by innervation. Therefore, due to this, adverse symptoms such as dizziness and nausea can occur at the time of sexual intercourse.
In addition to innervation, another similar reason why you feel like vomiting during intercourse may be overstimulation of the vagus or pneumogastric nerve because of the physical activity involved in intercourse (the changes in position, the agitation, and the variety of movements). This physical overexertion overstimulates this organ, which can lead to nausea, pain in the abdomen, and dizziness, making you feel like you want to vomit.
Problems in the autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system, also known as the visceral nervous system, is responsible for controlling the instinctive or involuntary functions of the viscera, such as digestion, sweating, urination, and sexual arousal, among others. Therefore, when the autonomic nervous system suffers some dysfunction, it can cause some alterations in the different functions we have mentioned, and, therefore, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting can appear during sexual intercourse.
In addition to nausea and vomiting, autonomic nervous system dysfunction can cause dizziness, blurred vision, more frequent urination, diarrhea, and loss of sexual appetite.In any case, if you have several of these symptoms, it is advisable to see your doctor for tests.
Having sex right after eating
One of the most common reasons why you feel like vomiting when you have sex is that you have sex right after eating. If you have just had lunch or dinner (especially if the meal was heavy) and you don’t leave time between eating and having sex, it is normal to feel nauseous or vomit, as you are not allowing your body to digest properly.
Therefore, if you do not want to feel these unpleasant symptoms during sex, which can even prevent you from enjoying the encounter, it is recommended that if you have eaten or had dinner, you let at least one hour rest so that the digestive system can assimilate the food correctly.
An unhealthy lifestyle
That’s right, another reason why you may want to vomit during intercourse is that you simply have an unhealthy lifestyle in general and your body suffers from various health problems.
Nowadays, we live in a society that seems to work too fast and without any rest, so there are many people who find themselves with stress and anxiety problems. Although it may seem that this has nothing to do with the issue of nausea during sex, a stressful and unhealthy lifestyle has a direct impact on our sexual relations, as it makes it difficult to relax and may even make us want to vomit.
If you think that your nausea may be due to this reason, it is advisable to start looking for some hobbies or activities such as meditation and yoga to learn little by little to disconnect your mind and thus achieve sexual relations where you are relaxed. You can also see a psychologist to help you solve some of the problems that may be stressing you out….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>