There’s a dark chapter in history that many people don’t learn about in school. For 23 years, King Leopold II of Belgium ruled the Congo as his personal property. His reign was marked by terrible cruelty and exploitation, which led to the deaths of millions of Congolese people.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In Europe, King Leopold II is often seen as a great leader who brought wealth to Belgium. But his rule over the Congo Free State was anything but kind. Leopold treated the Congo like his own private plantation, forcing the local people to work under horrible conditions to collect rubber and ivory.

Leopold’s regime was incredibly cruel. If workers didn’t meet their daily quotas, they were punished severely. One of the most brutal punishments was cutting off their hands or feet. This was done to terrorize the people and keep them in line. Even children weren’t spared from these terrible acts.

By the end of Leopold’s rule, it’s estimated that millions of Congolese had died from the harsh conditions, forced labor, and brutal punishments. The exact number is unclear, but some estimates say the population of Congo was cut in half during this time.

While Leopold is seen as a hero in parts of Europe, building Belgium’s wealth, in Africa, he is remembered as a cruel tyrant. This difference shows how history can be told in very different ways depending on who is telling it.

In many African countries, the education system is still influenced by former colonial powers. This means that many students learn more about European history, like the horrors of Adolf Hitler, but not as much about the terrible things done by Leopold in Africa.

Learning about the full history of events like Leopold’s rule is important. It helps us understand the true impact of colonialism on Africa and honors the memory of those who suffered. We need to teach and remember these stories to learn from the past and create a better future.

King Leopold II’s rule over the Congo is one of the darkest parts of colonial history. The suffering and death he caused should not be forgotten. While he is celebrated in some places, it’s crucial to remember the pain he inflicted on the Congolese people. By uncovering these hidden histories, we can ensure that future generations know the full truth…CONTINUE READING>>

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