Kenyan politics may be at a crossroads, but the Kenyan people are not. Their voice, held in disdain by the ruling elite for so long, has reverberated throughout Kenyan territory and beyond.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Loud and clear, the message is: “Mr President, we don’t have confidence in you and your administration”.

Key grievances include rampant corruption, excessive taxation, a docile parliament, extrajudicial killings and abductions, a lack of coherent planning, and unfulfilled promises.

To secure his presidency and leave a positive legacy, Ruto must take decisive actions on the following:

Rampant Corruption

Corruption has been a persistent thorn in Kenya’s side, and under Ruto’s administration, it hasseemingly worsened. High-profile scandals and the apparent impunity, hubris , and arrogance of those in power have eroded public trust. The President must initiate a robust anti-corruption campaign, prioritizing transparency and accountability.

Legal framework should be put in place to empower independent institutions like the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to investigate and prosecute without interference.

Excessive Taxation

The burden of excessive taxation since he assumed office has crippled businesses and strainedhouseholds. The recent proposed tax hikes that triggered protests and widespread discontent were the final straw that broke the camel’s back.

The Ruto administration should seek alternative revenue streams and show ingenuity in spurring growth. Encouraging foreign investment and fostering a business-friendly environment could stimulate economic growth and increase tax revenues without overburdening citizens.

Docile Parliament

A parliament that fails to check Executive excesses undermines democracy. An opposition thatis clueless and interested in quick gains makes the current August house a sick joke. The current parliament is compliant and ineffective.

A house of wheeler-dealers and not people’s representatives. Legal mechanisms should besought to recall this bunch of people.

Extrajudicial Killings and Abductions

Reports of extrajudicial killings and abductions have tainted Ruto’s presidency. To address this, he must prioritize human rights and the rule of law. Instituting an independent commission to investigate these allegations and ensuring justice for victims can help restore public confidence.

Additionally, training security forces on human rights and professional conduct is essential.

Lack of a Coherent Plan and Empty Rhetoric

The absence of a coherent developmental plan and reliance on rhetoric have left manydisillusioned. Ruto should articulate a clear, actionable plan for national development. This plan should address critical issues such as unemployment, healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

Concrete steps, rather than promises, will resonate with the populace.

What Ruto Should Do

1. Announce He Will Not Seek Re-election in 2027

To demonstrate genuine commitment to national interest over personal ambition, Ruto shouldannounce he will not seek re-election. This bold move could restore some public trust and create a conducive environment for genuine reforms.

2. Constitute a Respected IEBC

Reconstituting the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is crucial. Rutoshould constitute a commission comprising highly respected and reputable individuals to oversee fair and transparent elections. This can help restore electoral integrity and public confidence.

3. Form a Lean Government of Eminent Persons

A bloated government drains resources and breeds inefficiency. Ruto should form a leangovernment, appointing eminent persons with proven track records of integrity and competence.

This can improve governance and service delivery.

4. Return Looted Wealth

To etch his name positively in history, Ruto should genuinely initiate the process of returninglooted wealth. Collaborating with international bodies to trace and recover stolen assets can send a powerful message of accountability and justice.

By taking these decisive actions, President William Ruto can address the grievances of theKenyan people, restore trust in his leadership, and secure a more positive legacy…CONTINUE READING>>

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