Attorney General nominee Dorcas Oduor has explained actions she would take if President William Ruto rejects her advice on national matters if appointed to head the role.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This follows a concern Samburu West Member of Parliament Naisula Lesuuda raised during her appearance before the Committee on Appointments on Friday.

Lesuuda questioned whether there were instances in the past where the previous Attorney General’s advice was ignored by the President. She specifically asked Oduor how she would handle a situation where her recommendations are not accepted.

“What will you do if this Committee finds you suitable and you advise the Executive on different matters and your advice is not taken?” Lesuuda asked.

In her response, Oduor stated that she was unaware of any instances where advice from an Attorney General, including the one she previously served under, was not heeded by the executive.

Regarding her approach, if her advice is not accepted, Oduor explained that the President receives input from various sectors. She noted that the integration of these diverse perspectives, which goes beyond her expertise, informs his decision-making process.

“As to what I would do if my advice is not taken, I take it that the Constitution provides that the Attorney General is the principal legal advisor to the government in legal matters.

I look at the president as a vision bearer of the whole country. As he receives advice from the office of the Attorney General, he has to take into account other sectors because the law does not exist in a vacuum.

He has to take into account socioeconomic matters and security matters, and I believe he not only gets advice from the Attorney General but also from those other sectors. It is the culmination of all these advices from different sectors, in which I have no expertise to give, that the President of the Republic of Kenya would make a decision,” she said.

However, she noted that if she were to advise the President, she would ensure her recommendations were efficient, professional, just, fair, objective, truthful, and in accordance with the Constitution.

“If the President of the Republic of Kenya is the vision bearer and everybody under him, is working towards achieving the vision of the government of the day, I do not see where there can be a conflict.

Otherwise, for me, I would give efficient, professional advice, which is just, which is fair, which is objective, which is truthful, and in accordance with the Constitution,” she said...CONTINUE READING>>

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