A mother of two kids by the name Victoria has narrated how her husband denied her conjugal rights. After she complained, her husband gave her 10k and told her to look for a man to pay him and sleep with her.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Victoria says that she met her husband through her uncle when she was still in high school. He used to accompany her uncle whenever he would visit her school. After school, she went to college and later got married. They were blessed with two kids, and her married life was good until her husband got a good job and bought a car. That’s when problems started.

She says that her husband changed and started sleeping outside. He never allowed her and the kids to enter his car even for a single day. She says that he started to deny her conjugal rights, and after she complained, she was shocked when her husband gave her 10k and asked her to go look for a man and pay him to sleep with her.

Victoria says that she felt it was too much and decided to leave her marriage with her two kids and went back to her parents’ house. But her husband went to court and was given custody of the kids.

She says that all she wants now is to have her kids back because they are still young and need their mother’s care. She is now pleading with a lawyer who can help her get her kids back…CONTINUE READING>>

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