National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula has lashed at a section of Luhya MPs who have poured cold water on President Ruto’s decision to work with the Opposition.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The Ford Kenya chief noted that the MPs who have gone public lashing at the president and planning a rally in Kakamega to chat the way forward for Mulembe nation after the move are lost.

“I appeal to Luhya leaders opposing President Ruto’s initiatives, reminding them that Kenya’s well-being surpasses individual interests and urge them to respect the leaders appointed to serve in the government,” he said.

A section of MPs and other Luhya leaders have planned for a big meeting in Kakamega today to look at communities political future. The leaders feel they have no stake in the current government.

Speaking at Nzoia Sugar factory when he met the company staff, Wetang’ula regretted that it was only in Luhya land where leaders were not happy with president William Ruto’s move.

The speaker wondered: “Why is it that it is only in Western that leaders are agitated with the president’s move. We have seen local people celebrate in Nyanza, Central and Coast!”

He welcomed ODM leader Raila Odinga’s decision to have key members of his party nominated to the Cabinet, noting that the move would cool down political temperatures and stimulate healing of the nation.

“Former Prime Minister Odinga’s move is patriotic and has reinforced president Ruto’s efforts to heal and restore stability in the country,” said Wetang’ula.

The Speaker said the government of national unity was essential to achieving Kenya’s economic stability and prosperity. The Speaker further said Odinga’s critics who are lashing at him for opting to work with the government were wrong and asked them to rethink their stand.

He noted that jubilations that greeted the nomination of ODM leaders to the cabinet in their backyards was a sign of acceptance.

“The reception by supporters of leaders from the Opposition nominated to the Cabinet coupled by a warm welcome accorded to president Ruto by locals in Mombasa recently should be an eye opener to those opposed to the decision by the Head of State,” he added…CONTINUE READING>>

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