National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula has announced that six cabinet secretaries retained by President William Ruto will be vetted and allowed to hold public office.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking on Monday, July 22, Wetang’ula said the CSs were dismissed and were not accused of any wrongdoing.

The National Assembly Speaker noted that CSs can only be barred from occupying office if they were removed on account of violation of chapter 6 of the constitution.

“If you read the law properly and the constitution, the persons who cannot occupy public offices are those who have been removed from office on account of violation of chapter 6 provisions of the constitution,” said Wetang’ula.

He added,” These Cabinet Secretaries were simply dismissed there was no allegation of any wrongdoing against them, they just went with everybody. They can be given an opportunity to come back. The history of this country will tell you there are many people who were removed from office and went back.”

At the same time, Wetang’ula said he is yet to receive communication from the executive regarding the nomination of the CSs.

He pointed out that the vetting exercise will begin after the Executive sends a communication to Parliament on the nominations.

“The clock will start ticking when I receive communication from the executive, so far I have not received any communication. If we receive the information from the executive today or tomorrow we will publish the names to the public as required by the law. The public will be given an opportunity to send in memorandums and objections and we will then thereafter set a date for the vetting,” Wetang’ula stated…CONTINUE READING>>

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