The decision by President William Ruto to introduce military-grade arms training to the National Youth Service (NYS) recruits is not just a policy misstep—it is a deeply troubling move that could undermine the very foundations of Kenya’s democracy. The NYS, historically a civilian institution focused on community service and national development, is being transformed into a paramilitary force under the guise of “enhancing national security.” However, the implications of this shift extend far beyond security concerns. They hint at a disturbing strategy to establish a private militia, loyal not to the state, but to Ruto’s personal political ambitions.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This move is wrong on multiple levels. First, it fundamentally alters the mission and purpose of the NYS. The NYS has traditionally been a vehicle for youth empowerment, offering training in various skills, fostering patriotism, and contributing to national development through projects like infrastructure building and disaster response. Introducing arms training shifts its focus from civilian service to militarization, erasing decades of its legacy and potentially turning young recruits into instruments of political control.

Moreover, Ruto’s decision raises alarming questions about the intentions behind this shift. The Kenyan military is a professional and disciplined institution, respected both domestically and internationally. By contrast, the NYS, with its lower recruitment standards and shorter training periods, is ill-prepared to handle the responsibilities that come with military-grade arms training. The fear is that these recruits could be used not for national defense, but for suppressing political dissent, intimidating opponents, and safeguarding Ruto’s grip on power.

The Kenyan police, too, have been increasingly reluctant to act as mere pawns in the hands of politicians. In recent years, there have been growing instances of police officers standing up to political interference and prioritizing the rule of law. This has likely prompted Ruto to seek alternative means of securing his power, with the NYS being an easily manipulated entity. Training NYS recruits in arms could be a calculated move to ensure that Ruto has a loyal force at his disposal—one that is unencumbered by the professional ethics that govern the military and police.

The concern is not just hypothetical. There are historical precedents that demonstrate how dangerous it can be when leaders create parallel armed forces. From Hitler’s SS to Mugabe’s youth militias in Zimbabwe, the consequences of such moves have been devastating. These forces often operate outside the law, driven by loyalty to a single leader rather than to the nation, leading to unchecked abuses of power, human rights violations, and the erosion of democratic institutions.

Online conversations have been abuzz with concerns over Ruto’s motives. Many Kenyans are voicing their fears that this is a step toward establishing a de facto private militia, one that could be used to enforce Ruto’s political will through violence and intimidation. The rhetoric surrounding this move has been increasingly sinister, with accusations that Ruto is preparing for a future where dissent will be crushed, elections will be manipulated, and opposition voices will be silenced at gunpoint.

Critics have also pointed out that this decision is part of a broader pattern of authoritarian behavior. Ruto has been accused of consolidating power, undermining independent institutions, and eroding the checks and balances that are crucial to a functioning democracy. The militarization of the NYS could be seen as another step in this direction—a way to ensure that, even if the military and police refuse to follow unlawful orders, Ruto will still have a force that will.

The implications for Kenya’s future are dire. A militarized NYS could lead to increased violence and instability, particularly during election periods. Armed NYS recruits could be deployed to intimidate voters, suppress protests, and enforce electoral outcomes favorable to Ruto. This would not only undermine the democratic process but also increase the likelihood of post-election violence, as disenfranchised citizens may feel that peaceful avenues for expressing dissent have been closed off.

Furthermore, there are serious concerns about the potential for human rights abuses. With minimal oversight and accountability, a militarized NYS could become a tool for repression, targeting political opponents, activists, and ordinary citizens who dare to speak out against the regime. The lack of proper training and discipline in handling arms could also lead to reckless and indiscriminate use of force, resulting in unnecessary loss of life and further alienating the population.

This is not just a political issue—it is a moral one. The decision to arm the NYS is a betrayal of the trust that the Kenyan people have placed in their leaders. It is a violation of the principles of democracy, which require that power be exercised in the interest of the people, not in the service of personal ambition. It is also a dangerous gamble that risks plunging the country into chaos and violence.

Kenya’s democracy is still young and fragile, and it cannot afford to be undermined by the ambitions of a single individual. The militarization of the NYS is a step down a dark and dangerous path, one that could lead to the erosion of civil liberties, the rise of authoritarianism, and the destruction of the democratic gains that Kenyans have fought so hard to achieve.

In conclusion, Ruto’s decision to train NYS recruits with arms knowledge is not only wrong but deeply worrying. It represents a fundamental shift in the role of the NYS, turning it from a force for good into a potential instrument of repression. It raises serious questions about Ruto’s intentions and the future of democracy in Kenya. This is a moment of reckoning for the country—a time to stand up and say no to the weaponization of the NYS, and yes to the preservation of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law…CONTINUE READING>>

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