The current political storm requires that all Kenyans, including Generation Z, religious groups and politicians play their parts effectively to save the country, says Francis Njuguna. “We must all do everything to safeguard the country. Indeed, we must all be concerned about it and try to see how best to take good care of it. And together we shall succeed.”....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Call to service

• The Cabinet Secretary nominees that have been appointed after the recent vetting should go on to serve with dedication to gain the people’s trust, says Stacus Haron. “Only those with sound knowledge in their areas for which they have been picked are what the country needs. Every Kenyan’s eyes are on them and any sudden change will be noted.”

ODM loanees

• The ODM leadership has in the football league analogy, “loaned four members to the government” to serve as new CSs. “But what are the terms? Can they be publicised? Mathematics teachers should now use ODM chairperson John Mbadi as an example in their lessons. As a Nominated MP, he was nominated as a Cabinet Secretary. It’s nomination squared?”

Reverent title

• Having enjoyed some reverent reference when they served as governors, Mwangi Wanjohi wonders what will now become of newly minted Cabinet Secretaries Wycliffe Oparanya and Hassan Joho. “Will they still be referred to as Excellencies Oparanya and Joho? If they retain that title, it will be awkward when in the presence of His Excellency, the President.”

Vetting lapse

• To get quality, nominees to top public jobs should be vetted by an independent committee, says Mohammed Fazal Hussein. “This is a futile exercise. The panel should not be made up of people linked to any government agency. It’s like going to court and expecting justice where the judge and the prosecutor have been compromised…CONTINUE READING>>

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