Machakos County Government showcased a host of projects being implemented across the devolved unit as Wavinya Ndeti hosted female governors.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Dubbed the G7, seven female governors held a series of meetings in Machakos County for two days in their first leg of tours across their jurisdictions.

The grand finale meeting at the Kenyatta Stadium in Machakos on Friday attracted over 10,000 female aspiring leaders.

During the meeting, the female governors also witnessed Wavinya’s massive empowerment programme for the lowly in society.

They also lauded her close working relationship with her deputy Francis Mwangangi with whom they have blended well since being elected.

Some governors are in frequent squabbles with their deputies over power tussles that have impacted negatively on service delivery.

During Friday’s empowerment programme, some of the equipment handed to residents included 6-kg gas cylinders, water tanks, car wash machines and modern cookstoves.

Ndeti said the equipment was meant to economically empower the less privileged populace from the eight sub-counties.

“I’m proud to give out empowerment equipment to groups of youth, women and even individuals. These equipment include solar lanterns, environment-friendly Jikos, and chainsaws for traders, water tanks, car wash machines, tents, seats and catering equipment,” Ndeti said.

The event was attended by Ndeti’s fellow women governors including her ODM chief Raila Odinga’s spouse Ida Odinga, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and former Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu among others.

The leaders urged Kenyans to elect more women governors in the 2027 general election.

During their tour of Machakos County, the female governors traversed the devolved unit to witness projects being implemented under the leadership of Wavinya.

Some of the projects that the G7 caucus visited included the Kaviani-kathalani road in the Kathiani sub-county.

The construction of the road which is being fully funded by the County Government of Machakos will open up the grassroots area and improve the local economy through enhanced trade.

They also visited the Machakos modern multi-purpose sports complex, a new city that will comprise of Olympics size swimming pool, basketball pitch, and football pitch with an athletics track.

The facility, once completed, will fully nurture and commercialize the talents of young people.

The county is also set to establish a football academy in line with FIFA International, with whom Machakos County is partnering to make the dream come true.

During the two-day event, the governors also witnessed the equipping of the county’s emergency response centre.

The centre will coordinate emergency operations in a coordinated manner within the county.

At the same time, the county opened the Machakos Gender-based Violence Rescue Centre.

The facility will offer a safe haven for the GBV survivors, where they will receive the care, services and support they need to recover.

Wavinya’s deputy Mwangangi said the county’s decision to empower residents was a game-changer for the residents of Machakos County.

“This project is part of the county government’s deliberate plan to empower the people of Machakos with a clear social-economic intervention campaign,” he said.

Mwangangi lauded the Council of Governors Women caucus, saying it offers a platform to share ideas and partner on initiatives that uplift the lives of people.

Mwangangi said the equipment given to the residents includes clean energy cookstoves also known as Jikokoa to promote the Kenyan government’s campaign campaign against global warming.

“Transition to clean cookstoves (Jikokoa) promotes clean cooking energy crucial for sustainable environmental conservation,” he said.

Mwangangi said the country must strive to solve climate change by exploring available mechanisms as part of national and global efforts to combat its effects.

Most households rely on traditional cooking methods that harm the environment and pose serious health risks to the people, he said…CONTINUE READING>>

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