In a time of great need for answers and justice, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) seems to be hitting the snooze button. Five days have passed since the tragic fire at Endarasha Academy, which not only claimed lives but also saw some children mysteriously disappear.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Yet, the DCI appears to be prioritizing the arrest of weed smokers and small-time Forex traders, as if that’s what the nation is holding its breath for.

The silence from the DCI on social media has been deafening, with no updates or words of reassurance. It took comedian Mammito to remind them where their priorities should lie, asking about the whereabouts of the 70 missing students.

The nation is in panic, and one would expect the country’s top detectives to at least acknowledge the gravity of the situation. The DCI’s inaction has left many Kenyans wondering if they are truly committed to seeking justice and providing answers to the families affected by this tragedy….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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