The hearing of the corruption case against former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu will continue today at the Milimani anti-corruption magistrate court.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The trial magistrate is expected to hear the testimony of another defence witness after hearing from Charles Chege, the director of one of the companies in the case.

Chege was on Monday at pains to explain how his company, Testimony Enterprises, won the lucrative roads tender with no genuine papers.

He admitted to attaching documents flagged as forgeries by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission to secure the contract.

He was unable to produce any evidence to counter claims by the EACC that he used forged documents to be awarded the tender.

Some of the alleged forged documents are academic certificates of technical staff that Chege presented to convince the county government that his company was capable of undertaking the road construction works.

Elsewhere in the same anti-corruption court division, Noah Oketch, a former manager at the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation is accused of using forged academic certificates to earn a promotion will also proceed for the hearing…CONTINUE READING>>

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