Today we’re going to discuss Urine Colour and it’s health meanings. you can use urine as an indicator to determine what’s going on deeper inside your body first question is what is urine.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

well urine is filtered blood. now these little tiny magical filters in the kidneys called nephrons and these nephrons are very intelligent. they recycle a lot of good material. but they also selectively are able to take out the poisons and the bad stuff and push those out the body

so today we’re going to diagnose or dissect this problem based on Urine Colour and it’s health meanings alone. if you’re urinating and the urine is completely clear. This means that you’re drinking too much water. because you’re diluting your urine so much you’re losing all these pigments.

now what’s interesting about drinking a lot of water to somehow get hydrated people that drink too much water they dilute their sodium and they actually become dehydrated because the key with hydration is the right amount of electrolytes with the right amount of water

if your urine is clear might not want to drink so much I always like to recommend drinking when you’re thirsty and especially if you’re not working out or sweating yeah too much water could actually be dangerous. all right so the next color is basically yellow or Amber and that color is really coming from a pigment in your blood.

I’m not going to get into the chemistry of how that happens but when you see your urine being yellow Amber or straw colored that means that it’s normal all right

the next color we’re going to talk about in your urine is if the color is red or pink usually this means that there’s blood involved. now there’s several reasons why you might have blood in the urine it could be a kidney stone it could be that you’re menstruating and that contaminated the urine. this could also be some type of infection or it could be something more serious but anytime you have blood you should get it checked out by your doctor

some people that run a lot like joggers for example they’re doing a lot of pounding on their kidneys. Sometimes that can cause bleeding as well okay now what about if it’s like orange or really almost florescent type yellow that usually means that you’re taking synthetic vitamins and they’re going out through the urine and especially the B vitamins. It’ll give that bright fluorescent color it can also common mean that there’s certain medications that you’re taking that have certain dyes in them

on a rare occasion if your urine is orange it could be something going on with a person’s gallbladder or liver but that’s not very common okay/ what about blue green urine what’s up with that well did you just take something called methylene blue that’ll make the urine blue are you taking medication that is turning it blue green there’s a lot of different foods that have artificial colors that will make urine different colors sometimes an asparagus can make the urine green if it’s dark brown chances are you’re dehydrated you need to add more fluid as it goes darker into the Browns that is usually a liver problem

now what if a persons urine is normal color but it’s foamy like someone put some soap in it this could mean several things it could mean that you’re consuming too much protein it can also mean you have chronic kidney disease and you’re usually going to see protein and urine from that and it can even occur if you’re a diabetic because usually with diabetes with all the sugar coming through it tends to like rust out different parts of your body especially the kidneys.

the number one cause of kidney damage is diabetes and this is why we see a high correlation between protein in the urine and diabetes and of course the foaminess in the urine but probably the first thing you should do is just start cutting down your protein and just see if that handles it what about.

if your urine is just cloudy it’s not transparent it’s opaque this usually means there’s an infection okay and the most common urinary tract infection is from the microb eoli. So if you have that you might want to get it checked out to see if you do have urinary tract infection.

The other thing you need to know about with an infection is that if you’re a diabetic. all that Sugar that’s in your blood spills off into the urine to feed these pathogens

just as a side note if someone is excess Ely thirsty all the time, or and they’re excessively urinating a lot that’s usually indication of diabetes. It can also be an indication that your calcium is too high in your blood and that’s called hypercalcemia…CONTINUE READING>>

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