After Careful Consideration of The Facts, I Have Come to The Conclusion That Men Cheat For Fun While Women Cheat For All Kinds Of Reasons: For Love, For Mischief, Revenge, Six Pack, Dissatisfaction in The Bedroom, Making Her Friends Jealous Among Others. Here’s An Expert Analysis On What To Do To End Cheating ForeverLadies have won, again.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

They won the debate in Primary, Girls are better than Boys. They won at gossiping. They won, as expected, at shopping. They emerged victorious at convincing men to abandon their families and make her his sole priority. Now, even in a field where men excel, they are now the number one, undisputed Queens of cheating.

Men Cheat for one simple thing: sex. Women on the other hand, have introduced new dynamics, as they cheat for something as meaningless as a Chocolate bar. Gone are the days when cheating is a man’s thing.

Nowadays, wives and girlfriends have defended the trophy of Annual Cheating Contest five times in a row, getting stronger defensively every year. After all, the best form of defense is attack.

What happened?? Did men become less competitive? Not really. Women have become less predictable. The submissive breed of women is gone. They have been replaced by excessive drinkers, believers in obstructive feminism, conduits of Lesbianism, carriers of Sexually Transmitted Infections, supporters of character development.

As such, men have to be twice as watchful. That innocent lady, the mother of your child, your only Queen, could be seeing someone else. Be careful. Be smart. Be the lion that you are...CONTINUE READING>>

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