ued Kapsoen in 2007. The EACC filed a fresh suit in 2015, which was concluded in 2020. The EACC started the recovery process after Justice Mwangi Njoroge’s determination.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Mr Cheruiyot has been mentioned in a separate EACC investigation into another piece of land in Nairobi’s Mukuru kwa Reuben. In that probe, Mr Cheruiyot acquired a piece of land that was already hosting a school, before selling it to former Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo.

After handing land worth Sh4.63 billion and seized unexplained cash totaling Sh511.3 million to the government, EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak said that the agency intends to focus on seizure of corruptly obtained assets and unexplained wealth in line with its strategic plan 2023-2028.

“Asset Tracing and Recovery of corruptly acquired assets and unexplained wealth extinguishes the benefit obtained from corrupt conduct. This strategy helps to create the necessary deterrence as envisioned in the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) for which Kenya is a state party,” Mr Mbarak said.

The EACC handed over a title deed for a piece of land in Nakuru County valued at Sh100 million, 15 titles for land measuring 3.14 acres and valued at Sh135 million in Kisii County and 13 titles for land measuring 8.06 acres valued at Sh300 million in Bungoma County….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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