Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has revealed that former President Uhuru Kenyatta asked him to talk to President William Ruto during the anti-government demonstrations.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking in Elegeyo Marakwet during the funeral of Mzee Chirchir Masit who was the father of exiled IEBC commissioner Irene Masit, Raila said Uhuru told him to talk to Ruto in order to save the country from chaos.

β€œAt that time, when the country was burning, Uhuru called me and told me to find Mr. Ruto and talk to him. If Kenya burns, we will not have another country. Uhuru told me to find a solution to the issues being raised by Gen Zs. We talked and I told Ruto my thoughts and how to deal with the situation,” Raila revealed.

The ODM leader then met with the President and told him that Kenyans were angry about how CSs were doing their roles.

Raila also revealed that he told President Ruto to stop the police from using excessive force on protestors.

β€œI told Ruto that the people he has appointed have not worked the way the citizens want. The citizens are frustrated, which is why the youth have come out,” Raila stated.

Further, he said that Ruto agreed to dismiss the cabinet but he requested him to also send home all Principal Secretaries.

β€œHe listened and told me, he would remove the cabinet and send them home. I told him that even those principal secretaries you have there are corrupt, all of them need to be cleaned out so that we can have a fresh start,” Raila remarked.

The opposition leader’s remarks come at a time when there has been widespread speculation about the nature of the relationship between him and President Ruto.

The Head of State last month appointed close allies of Odinag to his broad-based cabinet a move that has been as secret handshake agreement between the two political leaders…CONTINUE READING>>

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