We all know immigration is a mess in our country. We also know that people have entered the US illegally. This is nothing new; people have entered the US illegally from the beginning. I live on the border of the US and Mexico, and from my perspective, the evils of illegal immigration are grossly exaggerated.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

We have legal and illegal border crossings daily here. Crime isn’t any higher in my home, El Paso, TX, than in other cities. In fact, our crime rates, both property and violent, are lower than the national average and lower than in other cities of similar size.

I taught illegal immigrants throughout my career in education. I met many of their parents, and the vast majority were good people seeking a better life for their children than the one they had in Mexico, for the most part.

The vast majority of parent conferences I conducted were in Spanish (I’m bilingual), which the parents very much appreciated, and they were always very respectful and grateful to all of us who taught their children.

It was a much higher level of appreciation than we often got from American parents, probably because in Mexico, public education only went up to about the sixth grade, then there was a charge that many people could not afford to pay…CONTINUE READING>>

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