John Heywood’s popular phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour” can be used in this context. Marriage cannot be built in a day. It takes time, commitment, dedication, discipline and consistency to build a strong marriage. Above all, you need to adopt some principles to achieve a strong marriage. Herein are those principles you can follow to build a strong marriage.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

1. Do not focus on your personal needs alone, rather, focus more on your needs as a couple.

It is true that we all have our personal needs. It is also good to chase those personal needs as they are important to us. But focusing on such needs alone will cover your needs as a couple before you. You will find it difficult to figure out and fulfil your needs as a couple.

One of the important principles of a strong marriage is focusing more on the needs of the marriage. A marriage will be strong if its needs are met, and on time.

Focusing on your marriage means that you have the interest of the marriage at heart. You will channel enough energy to the marriage to make it stronger and healthier.

2. Mind your attitude.

Minding your attitude means being conscious of your words, actions and inactions. Minding your attitude is a very crucial marital principle every couple must observe if they want a strong marriage as a product of their union.

It is not always what you say or do that actually matter, what really matters is how you say or do it. Your words, actions, inactions or generally, your attitude affects your mood and that of your spouse. That is why you should be very mindful of your attitude as it can boost your marriage, as well as place undue stress on it.

Apart from affecting the mood and the level of communication in your marriage, your attitude can affect how well or poorly you communicate in your marriage which can strengthen or weaken your marriage in return. Kindly have it at the back of your mind that attitude is everything in every marriage.

3. Communicate without season.

It is no longer new that communication is the soul of every strong marriage. That is why you should communicate with your partner without season. The importance of the principle of communication cannot be overemphasized. If you master the act of communication and become consistent in it in your marriage, you will definitely build a strong marriage that will stand the test of time.

Even when you don’t have anything to discuss with your spouse, just communicate. There is always something to talk about. Follow the principle of communication and you will have less or no issue in your marriage.

4. Build a strong foundation of trust.

How can a marriage be strong when trust cannot be found between the spouses? Such marriage cannot work. If it eventually works, it won’t be strong enough to stand the test of time.

For you to build a strong marriage that cannot be collapsed by any form of marital crisis, you need strong foundation of trust, otherwise, you are just wasting your time building such marriage. Go back and build a strong foundation of trust in your marriage before working to make it strong and healthy.

5. Remove pride when there is a need to seek for advice.

The notion that family and friends can destroy your marriage can only be a reality if you keep bad friends and family. If you have good friends and family who have a successful marriage, don’t be too proud to ask them for help or advice.

Your family and friends are there for you when issues arise, why can’t you make use of such free opportunity? Open up to those family and friends you trust so much. Do not look down on them. Always be ready to learn from your predecessors.

Following the above five principles will result to a strong and happy marriage….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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