Festive season is over and if you too are feeling guilty about overindulgence in festive feast?....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Then here are some simple tips to detoxify your body and flush out the overload of toxins with a simple spice.

Well, we are talking about turmeric and its excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in natural detoxification of the body and helps boost metabolism and immunity.

Here are 3 smart ways of adding turmeric to the daily diet.

1. Golden milk​

This easy milk based drink is not only great for replenishing lost nutrients of the body and detoxifying the body. To make this drink boil milk along with a dash of turmeric and black pepper, which boosts the efficacy of this drink. Then mix it with honey to enhance the experience.

2. Detox water​

To make this easy, detox water with turmeric and ginger. Take a large glass jar and fill it with lukewarm water and add in sliced ginger, lemon slices, mint leaves overnight with a stick of cinnamon. Next, morning boil this water with a dash of turmeric and sip this drink throughout the day to reduce flatulence, inflammation and imp-rove conditions like sore throat, flu and allergies.

3. Turmeric Tea​

To make this simple tea, take 1 tsp grated fresh turmeric, 1/2 tsp of ground ginger, 1 tsp honey, 1/2 lemon juice, 2 cups of hot water. Just boil water and add in the ginger and turmeric, let it boil, strain the tea and mix with lemon juice, honey and stir well. Sipping this tea can help reduce bloating, discomfort, reduce inflammation of the body and heals pain…CONTINUE READING>>

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