This happened when I was very young, just 20 years old, in the village. My father had passed away, and my uncle was the one looking after us. When I came of age and was about to go to university, my uncle advised me to learn a skill that would help me support my younger siblings and cover my school fees. So, I decided to follow his advice and went into electrical engineering, which involved going to people’s houses and learning about wiring and everything related to electrical work.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

After about four months with my boss, he sent me to a neighboring village where they had a problem with a bulb and the wiring. Because I learned quickly, I was able to handle certain tasks. When I arrived at the village, the lady, the owner of the house, showed me the bulb and the wiring issues. I fixed it immediately, and the lady was very happy. She gave me money to give to my boss, took my phone number, and said she would call me directly if there were any more problems with the wiring, so I could come and fix it without going through my boss. I was very happy.

About five days later, the lady called me again, saying there was another problem in her house that needed fixing. I told my boss I was going somewhere but didn’t specify where because the lady was my boss’s client. When I got there, after about 15 minutes, the lady offered me food and drink. I refused, saying I just wanted to know the problem so I could fix it quickly and return to my boss.

However, she insisted, and despite my refusal, I started feeling strange. My whole body felt warm, and my senses were heightened. I wondered what the woman had given me. Moments later, I found myself in a room, unable to resist. She led me to a bed, and despite my protests, we ended up having sex. She gave me some money afterward and said she didn’t want me to do any work.

I didn’t see her again for five years. Then, while passing through the village on a bike, I saw the woman and her family. I went to her house and saw a five-year-old girl who was a replica of me. I learned that the woman was married and lived in another African country, only visiting the village during festive periods. I realized the girl might be my daughter, conceived from that encounter.

For the past ten years, I have been convinced that this child is mine. I brought this story to you because I want to know what people think I should do. I want to confront this woman and ask for a DNA test. I cannot leave my child out there, as this woman took advantage of me and used me to have a child without my consent. She played me and possibly her husband as well. I need to know what your audience thinks before I take any action...CONTINUE READING>>

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