This is originally the first form of physical contact when you first see or speak to someone, the handshake. The moment you imagine it is your moment to shine. This is the time to make an excellent first impression and to show that you are attractive.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Women don’t like a soft hand. However, be careful not to overdo it and go to the extreme by squeezing her hand. Give a friendly, firm handshake when you introduce yourself.

Okay, it does sound superficial and cliché. And maybe it is. But women do look at what you have down there. And then we are not talking about your business but, in this case, about your shoes. However, it does depend on the situation.

In a crowded bar at about 4 am, she is not inclined to look at your shoes. But when you get to know her at a different time and state, she will take a look at your footwear. Shoes make the man.

Your attitude and body language determine that first impression. This also applies when you are in a pub or club. So here we are talking about your dance skills. If you don’t have the moves of a man like Justin Timberlake, we have one simple tip: play it cool.

You will never miss the mark if you move to the beat and play it safe. However, it may be that you are the only one in your group of friends who moves properly. On the one hand, your moves will look better, but on the other hand, a woman will also be turned off because you have clumsy friends.

Eye contact is one of the most important factors in generating interest in the opposite sex. Dare to look a woman straight in the eye when you talk to her; she finds this very attractive.

Do it in such a subtle way that you don’t scare her and come across as a creep. During your conversation, don’t get too distracted by other women walking by. Try to focus on the lovely lady in front of you.

Be a gentleman. It’s that simple. By this, we do not necessarily mean clichés such as pulling up her chair, but normal points in our view.

The little things like eating with your mouth shut and greeting your friends can make a difference. You don’t have to exaggerate and necessarily want to pay all the bills, but find a nice balance in this.

Besides the fact that she likes a manly handshake, she also sees the upper arms as a sign of masculinity. Just as we
men can appreciate that women do something to their bodies, it applies the other way around. A fit and healthy Nappearance will make a positive contribution to how attractive you are.

This is the last and also the most complicated point. Either way, she’s going to talk to another guy in front of you. On the one hand, you are not supposed to do anything because then she will think that you are not interested in her.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t play the jealous kid. Try to appear confident and friendly and give her space. Keep it cool...CONTINUE READING>>

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