When listing things that can harm the liver, alcohol is one of them if not number one on the list. However, it will interest you to know that alcohol is not the only thing that can harm or even destroy the liver. You may be thinking your liver is fine because you don’t drink too much, that’s a lie.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Do you know that when you carry extra or excess weight, get minimal exercise, or experience overeating, your liver’s probably not fine? Now relax, why I share with you some things you should know about your liver and necessary precautions.

Have you heard of the word Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)? It is a condition of the liver that is not associated with drinking alcohol. It is unhealthy amounts of fat build up in your liver. Over time, this can cause the liver to swell, scar, and eventually fail or develop cancer.

Risks of getting NAFLD are higher if the person is diabetic, overweight or have obesity, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. However, please note that NAFLD can hit people without these issues. That’s because regardless of risk, your diet can help prevent or cause NAFLD.

Furthermore, your liver gets first dibs on the blood coming from your digestive system, so whatever was in what you ate filters through it before going anywhere else. Moreso, Overeating backs up the liver’s processing capabilities especially if you eat a lot of foods high in carbs and fat.

So, how can you prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

1. Set a carb curfew

Weight gain is one of the biggest risk factors for NAFLD. So, setting a carb curfew can help you, this is because even if you are eating healthy food, your daily calorie intake matters.

Please note that while your morning food has a good chance of being burned off during the day, a sugary cereal bedtime snack is more likely to become liver fat overnight.

2. Avoid foods high in fat.

When you eat fat and carbs, your liver converts the sugar in the carbs to fat, and both are stored as energy. The trouble is, many people never get it out of storage. Sadly, fat buildup in your liver can happen fast. Don’t go light on all fats, though unsaturated fats, especially omega-3’s may help keep NAFLD at bay.

3. Engage in regular exercise.

Being inactive may cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease even if you are not overweight. That is why moving, especially walking 20 to 40 minutes at least is very important. Moderate or intensity workouts a week can help eliminate existing liver fat and prevent new fat from being produced and stored.

4. Go for a check-up

Finally, it is important to go for a liver-function test next time you get a routine blood panel…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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