For people to stop taking you for granted, you have to take some steps in order to prevent others from taking advantage of you. People might take you for granted because of the way you behave, but there are ways to stop being taken for granted.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

No one wants to be taken for granted because when you are taken for granted it will make you look down on yourself.

They will stop taking you for granted if you act in these 9 ways below:

1. People will stop taking you for granted when you keep to your promises:

Maybe, if you want people to stop taking you for granted you have to keep to your words. Keeping your promises will make people stop taking you for granted.

2. You shouldn’t be too nice all the time:

For you to be nice is good, but don’t be too nice all the time because it will make others to take advantage of you because of your kindness.

3. Sometimes you say “No”:

Maybe, if you always agree with everything someone asks you it will make him or her to take you for granted. It will make them to value you.

4. Don’t always show up:

Sometimes you make yourself absence for people to know you’re important. Don’t always show up if you really want people to stop taking you for granted.

5. Try to have your own decisions and don’t follow the crowd:

You shouldn’t follow the crowd, have your own decisions and stand by them. Don’t let others push you around, try to know your direction in life.

6. Try to know your worth and value yourself:

Value your time and value yourself and also know who you are.

7. Don’t be predictable:

Don’t let people predict your next action, try not to be predictable because if people always predict your next reaction, it will make them to take you for granted.

8. You should learn how to control your emotions:

Control your emotions and overlook some little things. Try to know when to react and respond.

9. Try to speak up when someone is taking advantage of you:

Speak up when you know that someone is trying to take advantage of you. It will make people to know that you can’t be taken for granted…CONTINUE READING>>

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