Kenya has a severe, generalized HIV epidemic, but in recent years, the country has experienced a notable decline in HIV prevalence, attributed in part to significant behavioral change and increased access to ART(antiretroviral drugs). Adult HIV prevalence is estimated to have fallen from 10 percent in the late 1990s to about 4.8 percent in 2017....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

There has been progress in the number of AIDS-related deaths since 2010, with a 55% decrease, from 56 000 deaths to 25 000 deaths. The number of new HIV infections has also decreased, from 66 000 to 46 000 in the same period.

While the decline in HIV prevalence is encouraging, the total number of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Kenya is estimated at approximately 1.5 million in 2017, this includes 105,200 children below 15 years and 1,388,200 adults aged 15+.

Children under 15 years of age account for 7% of all persons living with HIV. Of the total number of people living with HIV in 2017, 184,700 (12%) were among youth 15-24 years of age.

According to the Report Published by MOH, here is the list of top counties with highest HIV/AIDS rates


1. Siaya 21.0%

2. Homa Bay 20.7%

3. Kisumu 16.3%

4. Migori 13.3%

5. Busia 7.7%

6. Nairobi 6.1%

7. Vihiga 54.%

8. Kitui 4.5%

9. Kakamega 4.5%

10. Kisii 4.4%

11. Tans Nzoia 4.3%

11. Tans Nzoia 4.3%

12. Muranga 4.2%

13. Nyamira 4.2%

14. Makueni 4.2%

15. Mombasa 4.1%

16. Taita Taveta 4.1%

17. Kiambu 4.0%


According to Report published in Ministry of website. The nine counties of Samburu with lowest HIV prevalence are , Tana River, Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, Kiambu, West Pokot, and Baringo….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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