Are you unsure if the man you’re involved with is genuinely interested in you or if he’s just using you? It can be a difficult situation to navigate, but there are certain signs that can help you determine his true intentions.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Here are 15 signs to look out for:

1. You chase after him like a celebrity

If you find yourself constantly pursuing his attention and affection, it may be a sign that he is using you. A healthy relationship should be based on mutual effort and interest.

2. Lack of communication

Communication is a crucial aspect of any relationship. If he consistently fails to respond to your messages or shows no interest in getting to know you on a deeper level, it indicates that he may be using you.

3. You’re an option, not a priority

If he frequently cancels plans or prioritizes other people or activities over spending time with you, it suggests that you are not a priority in his life. This behavior is a clear indication that he may be using you for his own convenience.

4. He acts like he doesn’t care

Actions speak louder than words. If he consistently displays a lack of interest or concern for your well-being, it is a strong indicator that he is using you.

5. Lack of emotional expression

A healthy relationship involves emotional openness and vulnerability. If he consistently avoids expressing his emotions or shuts down when you try to discuss your feelings, it may be a sign that he is using you.

6. You’re not part of his life

If he keeps you separate from his personal life, such as not introducing you to his friends or family, it suggests that he is not invested in a genuine relationship with you. This behavior indicates that he may be using you for his own benefit.

7. Selfishness

If he consistently puts his own needs and desires above yours, both inside and outside of the bedroom, it’s a sign that he’s only interested in satisfying his own wants without considering your feelings.

8. Lack of effort

A healthy relationship involves both partners making an effort to spend quality time together. If he consistently avoids taking you out on dates or making plans, it suggests that he is not interested in investing in a genuine connection.

9. No other plans

If he always seems available and never has other commitments or interests outside of your relationship, it may indicate that he is using you as a backup option or for his own convenience.

10. Not looking for anything serious

If he explicitly states that he is not interested in a serious relationship, it is important to take his words at face value. Continuing to invest in a relationship with someone who has clearly expressed their intentions can lead to heartbreak and disappointment.

11. Hung up on his ex

If he frequently mentions his ex or shows signs of unresolved feelings, it suggests that he is not emotionally available for a new relationship. Continuing to pursue a connection with someone who is still attached to their past can leave you feeling used and unfulfilled.

12. Narcissistic tendencies

A narcissistic partner is more likely to use others for their own personal gain without genuine care or consideration. If he consistently displays narcissistic traits, such as a lack of empathy or a sense of entitlement, it is a clear sign that he is using you.

13. Opportunistic behavior

If he only shows interest in you when it benefits him, such as when he needs a favor or wants something from you, it indicates that he is using you for his own gain. A healthy relationship should be based on mutual respect and support, not opportunism.

14. Disregard for your friends’ opinions

If he consistently disregards your friends’ opinions or shows no interest in building a positive relationship with them, it suggests that he is not invested in a genuine connection with you. This behavior indicates that he may be using you.

15. Lack of interest in getting to know you

A genuine partner will take the time to get to know you on a deeper level, including your interests, values, and aspirations. If he shows no interest in learning more about you, it is a clear sign that he is using you for his own benefit.

It is important to recognize these signs and prioritize your own well-being. If you find yourself in a relationship where you feel used and unvalued, it may be time to reevaluate the connection and consider moving on to find a partner who will treat you with the respect and care you deserve.…CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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