The Ministry of Education (MoE) has maintained that no non-academic activities shall take place in schools across the country during term three.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In a memo dated September 3, 2024 and addressed to all Regional, County, and Sub-county Directors of Education, Basic Education Principal Secretary (PS) Dr. Belio Kipsang’ said that activities such as parent visiting day will not be allowed.

“Your attention is drawn to the directive vide circular dated January 21, 2021 by the Ministry of Education not allowing indicated activities and visits to schools during third term. Please note that the ban of these activities still stands. It is important that the ban is strictly adhered to by all relevant individuals and organizations,” the memo reads in part.

Dr. Kipsang’ urged the Directors to ensure that all schools in their areas of jurisdiction adhere to the instruction.

“The purpose of this circular is to ask you to enforce the directive by ensuring that schools do not conduct any of these activities,” the memo continues.

Back in 2021, the then Basic Education PS Julius Jwan directed that schools are a no-go-zone during third term as it is a period when most students are set to sit for national exams.

“All activities like annual general meetings for parents and prayer days are not allowed in schools during exam period,” Jwan said….CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLE>>>

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