Making changes in your diet and keeping track of what to eat and what to avoid can be tricky. To help you know what to avoid or limit, we’ll review 10 common foods and drinks that can raise your blood pressure.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

1. Salty foods

Salt is a problematic food ingredient for people with high blood pressure. So it’s important to make sure you don’t consume too much of it. This may seem easy enough, but it can be hard to avoid salt — even when you don’t add it to your food. Without reading the label, it can be difficult to tell if there’s actually salt.

Salt is already added to many prepared foods and snacks, like:




Cold cuts

Hot dogs

Tacos and burritos


The average adult in the U.S. eats more than 3,400 mg of salt every day. That’s above the maximum recommendation of 2,300 mg. For people with high blood pressure, reducing salt intake to 1,500 mg a day (less than half a tsp) can help improve blood pressure and heart health, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

Many people add salt to their cooking to boost flavors, but there are lots of other ingredients that can help make your dishes taste better. To season your meals, try using herbs and spices. But make sure to look for spice blends that don’t have added salt.

2. Sauces and condiments

When trying to avoid table salt, some people reach for condiments or sauces instead. But some of these sauces and condiments also have a lot of salt. These can include:


Steak sauce

Soy sauce

Barbeque sauce

Salad dressings

Red and white pasta sauces tend to have lots of salt, and so does gravy. When choosing condiments and sauces, read the label and ingredient lists to look for low-sodium options.

3. Soups and other canned goods

Many canned vegetables, soups, and other food products are prepared with lots of salt to enhance taste and to preserve the food. When possible, try eating fresh or frozen vegetables or low-salt soups.

If you need to use canned goods, you can buy foods with “no salt added.” Or you can rinse the food before eating it to get rid of the extra salt.

4. Processed, frozen, and restaurant foods

Similar to canned vegetables and soups, many processed foods carry lots of salt. This includes foods like:

Frozen dinners

Frozen pizzas

Ready-made meals


Flavored popcorn

If you do eat processed foods, look for low-salt or low-sodium versions. Some brands make healthier products for people with high blood pressure and heart disease. Those products may have a heart-healthy label on them and will have little to no salt added.

5. Cured meats and cheese

While cured meats can be really tasty, it’s best to avoid them. They are often prepared by soaking them in a brine bath made with salt water and spices. This includes foods like:




Deli meats

Avoiding cured meats can be tough, especially if you’re a fan of sandwiches. Sandwiches are really high in salt because bread, cheese, condiments, and deli meat all have salt. It’s quite easy for one sub or sandwich to have over 2,000 mg of salt.

6. Pickled foods

Similar to cured meats, pickled foods also have a lot of salt. Pickling is a process where food sits in a solution of salt and other flavoring agents to preserve the food and add flavor, texture, and color. Because of this, pickled foods are often high in salt. Here are some examples:






If you’re concerned about your blood pressure, avoid eating pickled foods. Or at least wash them first to decrease the salt content.

7. Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol may cause your blood pressure to rise dramatically. The AHA recommends that men drink no more than 2 drinks a day and women drink no more than 1 drink a day. A drink is defined as a 12 oz beer, 4 oz wine, 1.5 oz 80-proof spirits, or 1 oz 100-proof spirits.

For people who drink alcohol every day, cutting back to recommended levels can lower blood pressure by about 5 mmHg. Alcohol may also interact with certain medications. If you’re taking medication to manage your blood pressure, check with your healthcare team to see if alcohol is safe for you.

8. Caffeine

Caffeinated drinks can cause your blood pressure to rise by 10 mmHg or more (especially if you also smoke). Caffeine is in drinks like:



Energy drinks

Caffeine really isn’t an issue for people with a blood pressure in the normal range or those who drink caffeinated beverages regularly. But if you have high blood pressure, experts recommend that you limit caffeine. You can choose decaf or “half-caff” coffee or caffeine-free teas instead.

9. Saturated fats

High-fat foods directly raise your blood pressure. They can also raise your risk for developing other problems, like high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes. The mixture of hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol can greatly increase your risk for heart disease.

Foods that are high in saturated fats include:

Fried foods

Red meats

Breakfast sausage



There are many great alternatives to high-fat meals, including lean meats and low-fat dairy products. And instead of frying your food, try grilling, broiling, or baking.

But keep in mind, not all fats are dangerous. Fats are a necessary part of the average diet and provide building blocks for your body’s cells. They’re also a source of energy. In general, it’s good to have unsaturated fats that are good for your body in moderation. This includes foods like nuts, seeds, fish, and avocados.

10. Sugary foods and drinks

Many people like to munch on snacks between meals or at the end of the day. But traditional snack foods and drinks are often high in sugar and other additives. In fact, it’s the salt, fat, and sugar that makes these snacks so addictive.

If you have high blood pressure, try to avoid foods and drinks high in sugar, like:

Baked goods (such as cakes, cookies, brownies)

Ice cream

Fruit juice

Energy drinks


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