Tanzanian police have arrested opposition leader Tundu Lissu and other Chadema Party leaders in Mbeya, a region located in south west Tanzania, ahead of an International Youth Day rally scheduled for today, Monday August 12.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The police have since banned the gathering.

Other Chadema party leaders arrested are Secretary-General John Mnyika and the Nyasa Zone Chairman, Joseph Mbilinyi.

The party’s Director of Protocol, Communications and Foreign Affairs, John Mrema, told Tanzanian publicationThe Citizenon Sunday that police officers in Mbeya, including the Regional Police Commander (RPC) and Regional Crime Officer (RCO), visited the Chadema Nyasa Zone offices in the region at around 8pm as they sought to interrogate the leaders for the party’s young wing which is popularly known as Bavicha.

Those sought for interrogations by the police included the Bavicha Deputy Chairman, Mr Moza Ally and the wing’s National Propaganda Secretary, Mr Twaha Mwaipaya.

“The police had previously stated that the Chadema youth activities had signs of threatening public peace,” he said.

“After discussions, it was agreed that only the Bavicha leaders would go with the police for questioning. However, the police unexpectedly changed their stance and arrested everyone present at the office,” he explained.

In a statement released by Chadema, the party condemned the restrictions placed on their members who were en route to Mbeya to mark International Youth Day on August 12th.

They claimed that non-CCM youth in Tanzania were being unjustly prohibited from gathering by the police and the Deputy Registrar of Political Parties, Sisty Nyahoza.

“The Registrar’s directive to the police, based on baseless predictions, is the reason for the arrest and prohibition of youth nationwide who were traveling to Mbeya to celebrate their day,” part of the statement reads.

Chadema’s National Chairman, Freeman Mbowe castigated the police action on his X account, stating, “We strongly condemn the police for arresting our top party leaders, including Bavicha leaders. We demand the immediate, unconditional release of our leaders, members, and supporters arrested across the country…CONTINUE READING>>

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