The woman believed to be the mother of the woman reported to be the ex-wife of the main suspect in the Kware murders, recorded a statement with DCI detectives on Monday.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Josephine said that Imelda, who is alleged to be the first victim of the Kware murder suspect, is her second child.

She claimed that her daughter ran away from home in 2021 after refusing to continue with her studies.

“She disappeared, but sometimes she was online chatting with others. But in 2022, her account went silent. When sent a message, she wouldn’t respond. Since then, I haven’t heard from her again; now I’ve heard reports that she was murdered,”Mrs. Josephine said.

She clarified that she never filed any report about her daughter’s disappearance because initially, she was chatting with people on social media.

“I didn’t report because she was visible on social media, she was chatting with others. So I knew she was okay. But when it got to 2022, I asked her sister if she was talking to her; her account wasn’t active. I asked her elder sister, her account wasn’t active. I kept asking, and they said they hadn’t heard from her. Now today I was shocked to hear reports that she was murdered; I was in shock,”she said.

She noted that the Kware murder suspect was not known to their family as they didn’t know he was the one with their daughter.

Josephine now pleads with the government to help her get justice for her daughter, saying she is deeply hurt by what happened to her.

“I raised my children with many struggles, and I had hopes that one day she would help me,”she said.

Speaking to the media on Monday, Director of Criminal Investigations Mohamed Amin claimed that the first victim of the Kware murder suspect was his wife.

“The suspect claimed that the first victim was his wife, whom he strangled to death before dismembering and dumping her body in the Kware area,”Amin said…CONTINUE READING>>

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