The government has done a commendable thing by promptly distancing itself from a fundraising dinner being reportedly organised by a lobby group for former ODM party leader Raila Odinga’s candidacy for the position African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

It should be made quite clear right from the onset that former Prime Minister Odinga is Kenya’s candidate, not a freelance or individual contender for the top continental position. The African Union (AU) regulations require that candidates be sponsored by their countries.

And this is what Kenya has done, with the official launch of Mr Odinga’s candidature by President William Ruto at State House, Nairobi, on August 27, in the presence of Heads of State from the East African region.

They have all endorsed him to vie for the position, giving him solid official and moral support to succeed Chadian Moussa Faki.

When the government announced that it was backing Mr Odinga for the position, it did not seek any financial support from lobbies. Indeed, there is already a campaign secretariat led by Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei. Mr Odinga’s relatives and supporters have no official role to play in the secretariat and should, therefore, keep off.

It is laudable that the matter has come to the fore before this fundraising dinner is held. The lobby has reportedly even questioned the government’s commitment to supporting Mr Odinga’s candidacy.

But Dr Sing’oei has emphatically stated that the secretariat is not at all involved in the plans for the funds drive. Former Kenyan Ambassador to the United States, Mr Elkana Odembo, who is part of Mr Odinga’s official campaign team, has also disassociated himself from the event.

Such embarrassing sideshows must be shunned to allow the secretariat time and space to officially lead the push to get Mr Odinga elected as the new AUC chairperson in February…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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