Speaker of the National Assembly, Moses Wetangula, broke his silence after a protester was spotted on Tuesday leaving the parliament building with what appeared to be the ceremonial mace, typically placed in the chambers before each session begins.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In a video that went viral amid Tuesday’s chaotic protests, a protester is seen emerging from the parliament building carrying the mace, which is estimated to be worth millions of shillings.

Many were astonished by how a demonstrator managed to break into parliament and steal the symbolic mace, which many believed to be made of pure gold.

However, in response to these reports, Speaker Wetangula clarified that the demonstrators had taken a fake dummy mace. He explained that the stolen item was not the original parliament mace but a replica usually put on display.

Kenyans were shocked on Tuesday when the photo of the stolen mace went viral. Many likened the act of stealing the mace to overthrowing the government.

The mace in Parliament is a symbol of royal authority, and without it, neither House can meet or pass laws.

The mace represents the power of the House of Representatives and the Speaker. At the start of each sitting day, it is carried into the House by the Serjeant-at-Arms and placed on the central table.

Additionally, the iconic Serjeant-at-Arms uniform was stolen from Parliament, with one protester pictured wearing the oversized uniform…CONTINUE READING>>

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