Hussein made it clear that there was no formal meeting as had been previously indicated. He mentioned that the President had made a visit to a housing initiative in Kibera on Monday. The few Members of Parliament who were present only joined the President for a casual lunch afterward, which he stressed was not an official gathering.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He pointed out that State House typically communicates through established channels when it comes to invitations. Hussein took issue with *Daily Nation* for depending on information from sources outside these official lines, labeling such reporting as misleading. This criticism underscores the importance of accurate communication in political discourse.

Senator Edwin Sifuna responded vehemently to the statement from State House, calling it a falsehood. He insisted that he and other ODM lawmakers had deliberately chosen to miss the event, asserting that the President does not have the power to summon members of the ODM.

Sifuna characterized the invitation as disrespectful, implying that it was driven by dubious political intentions, and his remarks raised alarms about the President’s perceived encroachment into political affairs….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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