Nigeria Uber driver Alex has come forward with shocking allegations of kidnapping and sexual assault against a woman in Lagos. Alex, visibly distraught, recounted the harrowing experience, stating that after dropping the passenger at a lagos apartment last Friday, he was forcefully seized and taken up the stairs to the first floor.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

During this ordeal, Alex claims the assailant forcibly removed his trousers and subjected him to a heinous act. The Uber driver, overcome with emotion, pleaded for assistance from the police, seeking justice for the traumatic incident.

The authorities are now tasked with investigating these serious allegations and ensuring a thorough examination of the events that transpired. Uber, as a platform, is likely to collaborate with law enforcement to facilitate the investigation.

Cases of assault against ride-share drivers highlight the vulnerability of service providers in the transportation sector. The outcome of this investigation will not only determine the fate of the accused but may also prompt discussions around the safety measures in place for drivers in the gig economy.

Alex’s cry for justice underscores the urgency of addressing safety concerns within the ride-sharing industry to prevent such distressing incidents in the future…CONTINUE READING>>

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