The Wiper Democratic Movement’s decision to opt out of the national dialogue with President William Samoei Ruto has ignited heated debates among political analysts and citizens alike.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Movement leaders asserted that it is preferable to withdraw from the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance than to participate in the national dialogue.

This decision comes amidst allegations that Azimio has been awarded seven cabinet secretary positions.

The Wiper Democratic Movement’s decision to opt out of the national dialogue raises several important questions.

Firstly, what are the implications of their decision? By opting out, the Wiper Democratic Movement is essentially forgoing an opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and negotiations with the president and other political leaders.

This move could potentially hinder the progress of national reconciliation and obstruct the formation of a stable and inclusive government.

Secondly, why did the Wiper Democratic Movement decide to leave the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance? The movement’s leaders cited concerns over the allocation of cabinet secretaries as the primary reason for their decision.

While frustration over cabinet appointments is understandable, it is crucial to remember that politics often involves compromise and negotiation. By withdrawing from Azimio, the Wiper Democratic Movement is relinquishing a platform that could have offered them greater influence and leverage in shaping government policies and actions…CONTINUE READING>>

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