Truly! Its Sounds Funny and Surprising to Charge your telephone with a Solution of water and salt yet this Natural Chemical response is as of now there since around an a great many years prior.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Just as of late, Some innovative designers in Swedish have built up a telephone charger which uses salt and water as its wellspring of intensity.

The salt and water respond to create hydrogen which goes through other compound response to give power.

Below are the Stages on how to utilize water and salt solution to charge your smartphone without waiting for NEPA.

Materials Needed:

1. You Must Need a Charger

2. A pair Of Cup

3. Two Cups of Water(H2O)

4. and your Smartphone.

Please You should Follow the Stage Gently.


You should Firs of all Get your Cup and Fill it with water (H2O).

Pour some great quantity Of Salt Into the water.

Stir the solution with a Spoon till the Salt Dissolves.

Lastly, place the 2 aluminum ends of the charger and insert it into the solution.

Get your Phone and Plug the charger…CONTINUE READING>>

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