A 29-year-old woman was found dead in her house in Kayole, Nairobi.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Police said the tenant was found dead in her house by the caretaker of an apartment long after she had died.

The lifeless naked body of Patricia Manza, 29 who was a salonist in Saika area was found lying on the bed in the bedsitter room.

There were no physical injuries on the body, police said of the Tuesday July 30 incident.

A note whose contents have not been made public was recovered on the bed.

Police say they have established that a wanted suspect in the murder had called the cousin of the deceased saying he and the woman had quarreled.

He reported to the relative Manza was dead before he switched off the phone and escaped the scene.

Police said they are looking for a known suspect for questioning over the murder.

He is believed to be the deceased’s boyfriend.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and other investigations.

Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei said they are pursuing good leads on the whereabouts of the suspect.

Elsewhere, police are investigating the death of a 60-year-old man whose body was found lying in his house in Soweto slums, Langata, Nairobi.

He was identified as Jackson Kilonzo Mwanzia.

His body was found lying dead on his bed with foam emanating from his mouth and nose.

Police said he was alone at the time of the incident on Tuesday morning.

The cause of the incident is yet to be determined.

The body was removed to the city mortuary awaiting postmortem examination.

In Jamhuri area, Kilimani, the body of a 78-year-old man was found in his kitchen veranda long after he had died.

The cause of the death of George Mwarabu is yet to be known, police said of the Tuesday morning incident.

The body, which had no visible injuries, was taken to the city mortuary awaiting a postmortem examination…CONTINUE READING>>

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