City Hall projections on Thursday indicated the Sakaja administration could hit Sh13 billion by the end of the financial year 2023/24 having realised Sh12,123,748,822 against the Sh12,123,144,225 record under Kidero.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Nairobi Revenue Office surpassed the record at 12.30pm on Wednesday when revenues sailed past the Kidero-era milestone.

“This marks a landmark as City Hall has collected the highest revenue since the advent of devolution in Kenya,” Nairobi County said in a comment.

City Hall noted the record was particularly encouraging given flood-induced business shutdowns witnessed at the height of El Nino rains.

Governor Sakaja’s administration had set a target of Sh19.9 billion for the financial year.

City Hall partly attributed the increased revenues to reforms instituted by Sakaja key among them the implementation of a Unified Business Permit (UBP) introduced to streamline revenue mobilisation and cut on pilferage…CONTINUE READING>>

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